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SECTION: Oceania

Sun shoulder tattoo photo
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Sun shoulder
Maori cover-up

June 30th, 2008

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Red requested a Maori styled tattoo to cover up an old tattoo on his arm, extending all around his shoulder.

Working on the shape of the original tattoo, we thought of covering it with korus delimiting a sun made up of various elements, like shark teeth (strength), the tiki and te te manaia (protection and balance), the turtle (navigator, family mainly) and the manta ray (elegance and freedom) among the others.

The plain black parts are thought to be coloured with fillings of this kind:

The blue colour reminds of the water (waves too are in this design), and helps better covering the old tattoo.

A curiosity: the old tattoo can be seen here.

permalink: https://www.tattootribes.com/index.php?idinfo=608

MANA ATUA - white mugMANA ATUA - white mugMaori design by TattooTribes
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 love the design! bravo! i´ll send you the pic after i get it inked. thanks!! 
  by red
  by notis
 Love this tattoo design!!! 
  by Sam
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