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Hati wolf tattoo photo
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Hati wolf

August 18th, 2009
  Author: GiErre

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Hati is a legendary god-akin wolf whom, according to the prophecy, will one day swallow the sun during the Ragnarok, the end of the world of Norse mythology.

Often identified with his father Fenrir (thanks to mythlover for the note) who will instead swallow Odin himself during the final battle.

This tribal design of Fenrir was requested by Justin to recall his Norse ancestry.

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 yea Skoll swallowed the sun not fenir   
  by ryan
[TT: true... whereas Fenrir is traditionally accounted as swallowing the sun, historically he would actually swallow Odin, while his sons Skoll and Hati would swallow the sun and the moon respectively. Ambiguity came from the use of the names Hroovitnir and Hroovitnirson for Fenrir and his sons.]
 Thats nice 
  by Andrew
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